Agile Methodology
16 Hours in 4 days
Project managers, team leaders, domain experts, team members
In the “Agile Product Development” course, participants learn how to create a product vision and deal with fastchanging requirements and complex environments. The course “Agile Product Development” focuses on therole of a product owner and practical application of innovative methods and techniques as well as onidentifying customer needs and gaining early customer feedback.
Gain a deeper understanding of empirical process, value-driven and domain-driven development. Duringworkshop exercises participants learn how to deal with requirements, customer feedback, product constrainsand how to break down the product vision at different levels of abstraction and communicate effectively tostakeholders and development teams.
The course is suitable for participants with a focus on product development, such as project managers andteam leaders in transition to the role of a product owner, as well as domain experts and team members thatperform requirements engineering and business analysis. Although the Day 1 includes a refresh of the ProductOwner role according to Scrum framework, prior knowledge of agile basics and the Scrum framework isrequired for the course to be beneficial for all participants.
Presentations, Q&A, discussions, and workshop exercises and is available in English and German languages.
On Request (in Group of at least 6 Participants)
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